Coming Soon

What is Proyecto Azteca

Proyecto Azteca is a non-profit self-help construction company located in San Juan, TX and serves low-income families in colonias and other rural areas in Hidalgo County. In 1991, the United Farmworkers of America, Texas Rural Legal Aid and the Texas Low Income Housing Information Service came together to respond to the housing crisis in Texas' Rio Grande Valley Colonias and developed Proyecto Azteca. In the first year, Proyecto Azteca organized self-help construction with just 4 families. Today, Proyecto Azteca is a nationally recognized, community-directed, self-help housing organization that has financed and trained more than 600 families in the construction and first time ownership of their own homes in over 150 colonias and rural areas. All the homes are energy efficient and completely weather sustainable. Proyecto Azteca homes are built at 0% interest and monthly payments include property taxes and home insurance.

Our Tag

Coming Soon!

Martha's Table


#Buildingabetterworld is Proyecto Azteca's tagline. Proyecto Azteca aims to make sure everyone in Hidalgo County has proper housing by building houses free of cost. The necklace is going to be silver because it is part of our child welfare pillar, and all necklaces to do with child welfare are silver.


100% of the money raised from selling this necklace go to Proyecto Azteca to help provide important building materials such as brick, wood, and metal.