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What is Sahasra Deepika

Sahasra Deepika, which means a thousand lights, is a non-profit foundation that houses and educates underprivileged children in Bangalore, India. Their students are encouraged to develop their intellectual, social, and academic potential so that they can feel self-empowered and contribute to the community at large. Sahasra Deepika provides education, residential care, and hope for a brighter future to children in Bangalore, India.

Our Tag

Take a look at the amazing necklace we have created for Sahasra Deepika.

Sahasra Deepika


#ItsHerTurn is a phrase conveying that now is the time to empower young girls to take a stand and lead the future. It’s her turn to go and become part of the change, it’s her turn to tell her story, and it’s her turn to become a leader in society. The necklace is blue because it is part of our education pillar, and all necklaces to do with education are blue.


100% of the money raised from selling this necklace go to Sahasra Deepika to help provide resources the girls need, such as clothes, books, and other supplies, which empower and allow them to achieve their dreams and take on the world.